
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dining Plan Proposal

date 2 Drexel Dining Plan Proposal As a freshmen and an worldwide scholar at Drexel University, most of my free time is taken up in becoming accustomed to a new-fashi wholenessd country, a new city, and to the culture of Drexel University. Despite attending an International private school foul in Delhi and despite having traveled the world, it is only normal that I run across unitaryself the transition from living back home to living at Drexel University, a difficult one. Getting familiar with the system of be a college student in general is an landed struggle.And at first though, most non-vegetarians may not take this into consideration due to a plentiful amount of non-vegetarian sustenance available, but I can tell you from personal experience, forage is one of the main accompanimentors contributing to homesickness. The day -to-day food available on Drexels campus is not varied or appetizing enough for vegetarians, especi absolutelyy world-wide vegetarian student s. Each student who purchases the meal plan can dine at reliable designated locations on campus.The available eat options on the Drexel University campus consist of the chase a mini cafe in the main building, Ross parkland force back 3, line Cafe, Chick-fil-a, Currito, underground, Kelly Deli, S give awayhern Tsunami Sushi, and Starbucks. This may sounds like some options, but that does not all overlook quality, or the fact that vegetarians may not arrive as many options as those who eat meat. As Drexel has ascended in its rankings, so have the number of students from different states and different countries.This year itself, the percentage of international students at Drexel University went up ab stunned twenty-eight percent and is expected to grow close year. (Facts and Figures) A student that purchases any meal plans spends an average amount of about five thousand & two hundred dollars throughout his or her university education. A relatively large percentage of these s tudents, whether from the states or international students, are vegetarian as one of the most frequently asked questions on Drexels dining website. Drexel Campus Dining) I myself inhabit up to ten vegetarians in the freshmen year itself. The number one complaint I tend to hear, or coincidentally eavesdrop on, in the dining center is about the food. According to my survey these complaints are ordinarily voiced by international students and sometimes by vegetarian, American citizens. I also concluded from my survey that those who dislike the food and live close do not feel the need to complain as home-cured food and favorite restaurant visits with the parents are just a necessitate ride away.I summarized my bailiwicks with the available dining service at Drexel by carrying out confidential surveys of a sample of students who eat at the Handschumacher Dining Center. Of flux my survey was favorably given out to international students and it consisted of open-ended questions that go along a few valid issues I personally wanted to enjoy more than(prenominal) about. On an average, the survey revealed international students dissatisfaction with the amount of vegetarian or vegan food available at the Drexel dining locations.Although the survey revealed complaints students had about the staff, quality of food, and such, I chose to concentrate on the vegetarian food options. Students explicitly expressed their concern with the fact that vegan food was often confused with vegetarian food. A few students stated their issue with days where more of a variety of vegetarian food was made and early(a) days where more vegan food was made, always more options of one over the another(prenominal). Of course, non-vegetarian food always looks to be plentifully available.One student wrote on her survey, although thither is a pasta station that is vegetarian on the whole, the options are very limited. Vegetarians at the dining center can only eat pasta, on certain days v ery bland vegan wraps are available, and French fries, and the same vegetarian fry rice. Another student said, the passport section hardly ever has vegetarian or vegan food, which is sad because so many international students are vegetarian and we have to call do with salad and pasta every single day. To this I would like to add an observation I made at the Dining Center and Subway most of the times, the staff uses the same gloves to touch vegetarian food as they do meat. This is very disturbing to me as I am vegetarian for religious reasons and cannot technically even have meat touched to my food. When I asked students about the other Dining options, Starbucks and the cafe in the main building were immediately opted out of consideration as dining. This leaves the unhealthy options of Ross Commons cheese Pizza and Chick-Fil-A fries. 2 other options are Creese and Subway.The two of these are relatively better options, but again Subway has only one veg patty. And Creese Cafe s erves only two to three options for vegetarian paninis. But out of all the times I have been to Creese, they are out of one component part or the other, which limits the vegetarian options further. For example, when I asked for the Capri panini at Creese, I was told they were out of basil and hence, could not cook up that panini for me. Out of all the dining options Currito landed up being a favorite for vegetarians on my survey because of its many vegetarian varieties.Even though Currito is one stall that serves good vegetarian options, what about the rest? Vegetarian students I surveyed unanimously consent upon the conclusion that there is not enough variety out of the entire dining service on campus for vegetarian students. It think it is safe to say that a certain percentage of Drexel University students is dissatisfied with the vegetarian dining options on campus. I know I am. Yet, these students are paying for the dining services the same set as any non-vegetarian student. I propose a solution, or many solutions.Firstly, I think the staff should be educated on how to care food for vegetarian or vegan students. For example, they should dinero with using different gloves and utensils for meat. Second, I deliberate the dining hall would be a good start for more vegetarian options as hundreds of students dine here each day. For example, the staff can make sure they do not compromise on the food for vegans or vegetarians. Both these categories should have a plentiful amount. Also, the passport section that serves international food can make sure they have one vegetarian secondary to each non-vegetarian dish they make.And the Asian food section can start searching into more feasible Asian recipes for both vegans and vegetarians. Coming to the options similarly the dining center, it may be difficult to open more dining options on campus, so instead each service can find ways to increase its creativity and variety with vegetarian food. Currito can find more than just bean curd to substitute meat, or they can cook the tofu in different ways and serve it. Chick-fil-A can look into do breakfast sandwiches. Subway can create more than just the veggie patty, or it can give more vegetable options to choose from.Ross Commons can start serving pizza with diverse vegetarian toppings. Such kid changes may go a long way. This idea may seem new, but it has been done before. Every time a fast food chain opens in different countries, it is altered to cater to the taste and customers of that country. I feel like Drexel should look into doing the same with its chains opened on campus as Drexel is an international University and the vegetarian population deserves first-rate food. (Vegetarian Subs & Different Countries, Different McDonalds) (A see of other Asian recipes that can be made)

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