
Friday, March 8, 2019

Confucius and Plato

Confucius and Plato Editor Ken Wolf, at the beginning of the essay Confucius and Plato A a couple of(prenominal) Really Good People, poses the question What is the best way to create a strong bon ton? (Wolf 25) It was surprising to a novice student of doctrine how similar the persuasions of the ancient Chinese sage Confucius and famous Greek philosopher Plato were. Although, Confucius and Plato two made major contributions to the development of society, they showed both similarities and take issueences in these three subjects sentiment soma, education, and faith in humanity.Confucius and Plato both believed virtue and intelligence were key components to creating a strong society. Confucius thought anyone who has been enlightened had the capability to develop into a ruler. Whereas Plato fancied anyone could be educated, but only a few, those in the ruling class had the ability to reason and thus were qualified to rule. In addition, Plato gave credence to the idea of being born into the ruling class, that the theatrical role to reason was an inherited quality. Confucius and Plato were both strong believers that order was another main factor in a strong society.Although they both had laws to maintain the order, Plato had less faith in masses in general to be endure in a civilized manner. two Confucius and Plato were in favor of education and were teachers themselves. Confuciuss followers were the ones who wrote the Analects, which talked about how elaboration depends on humanity and propriety. Plato actually wrote The Republic which talked about his precedent philosopher-king. Plato established the Academy, which taught principles of ethics and government, for 900 years. Confucius attempted to teach the ruler to become a better person, but failed.The concepts put forth by Confucius and Plato begin to differ more when faith in humanity comes into play. Confucius and Plato both wanted to speak up there was good in everyone, but Confucius believed more in a society in which human relationshipsespecially those within the familywere more classical than laws. (Wolf 27) Plato concluded that the people needed to be chastenessled for there to be order. That control was maintained through the law. They both sought out peace and harmony, although Confucius center more on the behavior of individuals and Plato was interested in universal rectitude even though it probably would not be accepted,.Plato felt that if a person tried to bring enlightenment to the masses they would probably strain to kill to him for telling such tall tales, disrupting their lives and challenging their accustomed beliefs. (Wolf 31) point today, most people would agree with Confucius and Plato about the importance of educating people in the development of a strong society. The idea of relationships as the basis of society may be summed up in Do unto others as you would hire them do unto you. This Golden Rule seems to be as important to westerly society as i t was to Chinese society. However, the idea of a better quality of citizen that is better suited to lead society smacks of elitism and would definitely not be accepted in modern democracies. However, that does not mean that the elite educated class from Harvard and Yale has not been overrepresented in American leadership. So perhaps we have a ruling elite, but not as overt as Plato would like. A final thought from the essay would be a compatible and orderly existence is important to all societies.

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