
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Case Study Managing a Systems Development Project

Elizabeth A. Humphrey Dr. Tim Brueggemann MBA54001OL November 11, 2012 Managing a Systems Development Project at consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. maculation Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc manufacture a variety of different products for individuals and businesses. Due to unavailing accounts payable administration, Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc started a spic-and-span project c e veryed Payables Audit Systems (PAS). The adjoin of beginning this new project was taken very seriously. Roles were assigned and defined. Ted Anderson was the director of the project.Peter Shaw was assigned the responsibility of practicer project motorbus. The user project manager was responsible for making surely that the system meets the user departments business essentials and that the system is completed on time. (DeHayes, et al) Linda Watkins was given the craft of macrocosm the project director, whose main responsibility was to manage the IS people on the project. (DeHaye s, et al) Harry Carter was assigned the job of IS supervisor. The IS supervisor was responsible for integrating all projects in the disbursements area and for allocating IS people to these projects. (DeHayes, et al) A steering group was in addition appointed and chaired by Ted Anderson. The role of the steering group was to approve budgets, congeal the business direction of the project, and make any necessary decisions. (DeHayes, et al. )Communication was a very burning(prenominal) part of this project. Therefore, everyone who was chosen to work on the PAS project had to pass on skilful communication skills. Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc had been using the CIMS (Com limiterized Invoice Matching System) system.This system would fundamentally match invoices to purchase tells generated by the computer. Those invoices would then be paid if everything matched. If one minute detail didnt match, the invoice would not be paid delaying may accounts payable for an all-encompa ssing tip of time. This system was not good for Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc and it was not good for the vendors. Due to the CIMS system world archaic and not showdown the needs of Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc, the project military commission recommended developing a new system.The objects of the Detailed Study Report was to fall the cost of bear upon vouchers, reduce the number of staff needed for going vouchers, reduce the amount of time it takes to pay out the vouchers, and support opinionated integration with transportation/logistics, purchasing, and accounts payable to better facilitate changes due to shifts in business procedures. (DeHayes, et al) When beginning the Drafts Requirements Study, Linda Watkins was concerned with so many systems dependent on each other being changed at the same time.When she voiced her concerns, she was basically t sr. the show volition go on. The last step was for the outline physio analytic design group to take a loo k at the new system and get it set up. The original idea was for the PAS system to use the mainframe, but then an option of using a LAN was introduced. victimization a LAN did cost quite a bit more(prenominal) than was budgeted. Just as the physical design report was being completed, Linda Watkins was in a car accident, leaving her with sever injuries and out of work for an extended amount of time. Ted Anderson was worried.Linda Watkins was the best manager he had and he wasnt sure where to go from here. He asked his secretary to set up a meeting with IS Director Charles Bunke for first thing the next morning. He needed a computer programme. Target Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc is currently working on replacing their old CIMS system with the PAS system. Linda Watkins, the project director, was in a car accident and will not be able to open to work for an extended period of time. Ted Anderson, the executive sponsor is concerned and doesnt quite know where to go from here. Many hours have been put into researching this new system.It is on the edge of being adopted by the order and is now in danger of fall behind in the adoption process due to Linda Watkins car accident. Everyone elusive in this project has taken large strides to do their research to learn this is the right system for Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. This company has done a great job with strategic planning. With all the great planning of this project, it doesnt bet risks were taken into consideration. When working on and planning a project, a good approach is to consistently include risk communication in the tasks you race out.If you have a team meeting, make project risks part of the fail agenda (and not the final item on the list ). (Jutte) Where was the plan B for this project? Proposal It appears Consumer and Industrial, Inc needs the PAS system in order to process accounts payable more effectively and efficiently. It appears it will save the company money, as well as keep the vendors happy. Now that Linda Watkins has been injured and cannot return to work for an extended period of time, Ted Anderson will need to visit with Charles Bunke to contract up with another plan to keep this project moving.Ted and Charles will need to meet with the other project managers to determine where to go from here. If the lines of communication layover open and they continue to work as a team, they will bed up with a solution to keep the project from being put on the back burner. As stated in the article 8 Steps to Implementing Successful Organizational Change, Once a change is planned, it is important to have good communication about the rollout and implementation of the change. A timeline should be made for the implementation and should make changes in the order that affect the process and the employees who manage the process.An effective timeline will allow for all new equipment, supplies or training to take place before fully implemented. Implementing wi thout a logical order can create frustration for those responsible for the work process. plant life Cited DeHayes, Daniel W. , et al. Managing Information Technology. Pearson, 2012. Print. 8 Steps to Implementing Successful Organizational Change. http//thethrivingsmallbusiness. com/articles/8-steps-to-implementing-successful-organizational-change/ retrieved from web 10/19/2012

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