
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Effect of GA3 on Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato

egress of GA3 on Attri besideses and Yield of Summer tomato bringEffect of GA3 on Some Biochemical Attributes and Yield of Summer tomatoM. S. Rahman, Md. Azadul Haque and Md. G. MostofaAbstractAn audition was carried out in pots at Bangladesh Institute of nuclear gardening, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012 to evaluate the watch of disagreeent concentrations of GA3 on biochemical parameters at different growth forms in articulate to attach the cushion of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2. The concentrations of GA3 used were 0, 25, 50, 75 and degree centigrade ppm and they were utilize at common chord stages, namely fundament soak of seedlings before trans marking, vegetational and booting stages. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete give up design with four replications. Results indicated that the highest chlorophyll and soluble protein subjects were put down when GA3 was utilize through root soaking followed by vegetal stage and the final was instal at the f turn awaying stage. In contrast, the highest treat reductase exercise was discovered when GA3 was employ at the vegetational stage and the last-place military action was save at the flowering stage. The natural coverings programmes of 50-75 ppm GA3 had importantly advance the bio-chemical parameters studied at 50 DAT. The amount of GA3 applied at different stages had significant influence on the counter and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest prepare height was save when 50 ppm of GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage. While, the longest time to first harvesting setting was ask when the roots of the seedlings were soaked in 100 ppm GA3 solution. The practise of 50 ppm GA3 by root soaking had importantly increase the come in of flowers, results and harvest-festival yield per arrange but corresponding performances were achieved when only 25 ppm GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. The fruit yield of tomato per adjust increase linearly with the increase numerate of flowers and fruits per workings.Keywords Concentration, Chlorophyll, GA3, Soluble protein, Nitrate reductase activityIntroductionlove apple (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the most popular and nutritious vegetables of Bangladesh. Tomato is cultivated all over the country due to its adaptability to a immense range of soil and climate. Normally tomato is grown in overwinter season due to its requirements for temperate climate. Hence, it is difficult to grow tomato in summer season due to adverse climatic conditions, such as high temperature, high rain fall, hailstorms, etc. Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) has developed some tomato varieties to cultivate in summer season. but the yield potential of these varieties can not be achieved due to the to a higher place mentioned climatic conditions. In summer season, tomato can however be successfully grown on a lower floor glasshouse conditions. But it is not viable for th e poor farmers to go for large scale production in glasshouses because it is passing expensive and need technical skills. The other option is the use of pose growth regulators to minimize the prepare of harsh environments in order to maximize the yield of summer tomato. Results of some studies indicated that the action of Gibberellic panelling (GA3) had significantly change magnitude the number of fruits per plant than the untreated controls (Tomar and Ramgiry, 1997). Adlakha and Verma (1964) reported that the application of GA3 on flower cluster runed in an increase in fruit cant over. To increase the yield as well as to avoid flower and fruit dropping, application of GA3 at optimum concentration and at right time is important. Gibberellic acid has great effects on plant physiological systems including fruit setting, finger expansion, germination, breaking dormancy, increasing fruit size, improving fruit quality and in many other aspects of plant growth and thereby on pro ceeds production. Keeping the above circumstances in view, the present study was under taken to evaluate the performance of GA3 on biochemical properties, growth and yield attributes and to determine the optimum time and concentration of GA3 application in order to maximize the yield of Binatomato-2.Materials and MethodsA pot experiment was conducted with tomato var. Binatomato-2 at the experimental site of Crop Botany Department, Bangladesh boorish University, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012. v directs of GA3 (Gibberellic Acid) viz. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm were applied at (i) seedling stage by root soaking before transplanting (ii) vegetative stage 20 long time afterwards transplanting (DAT) and (iii) flowering stage (40 DAT) by hand sprayer. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete draw a blank design with four replications. Twelve kilograms of sun-dried sandy loam soil and terrify dung, urea, TSP and MP 583.33, 2.9, 2.54 and 1.81 g/pot corresponding to 10 tons, 400, 350 and 250 kg/ha were applied in each pot. Before pot filling, full doses of TSP, MP and cow dung were thoroughly mixed with the soil. Half of the urea was applied during transplanting and the remaining half at vegetative stage. Intercultural operations were do as and when necessary. Data on yield and yield contributing characters were enter at final harvest. Biochemical analyses viz. chlorophyll, soluble protein nubs and nitrate reductase activities in leaves were estimated at 50 DAT following the methods of Arnon (1949), Lowery et al. (1951) and Stewart and Orebamjo (1979). Data were examine statistically to find out the level of significance using MSTAT-C software programme (Russel, 1986) and significant differences among the treatments were adjudged by Duncans New Multiple play Test (DMRT) at 5% level of significance (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).Results and Discussionthither were significant differences among the treatments in gaze of chlorophyll content, solub le protein content and nitrate reductase (NR) activities in tomato leaves at 50 DAT (mesa 1). The highest chlorophyll content in leaves was obtained when the roots of seedlings were soaked in GA3 solutions before transplanting, which was identical to the application of GA3 at vegetative stage. The utmost chlorophyll content was found in plants when GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. Chlorophyll content in leaves was influenced significantly due to the application of different concentrations of GA3. The highest chlorophyll content was found from 100 ppm GA3 followed by 75 ppm and the lowest was found from the control, which was identical to those obtained from the application of 25 and 50 ppm of GA3. Chlorophyll content increased with increased concentrations of GA3.The application of GA3 through root soaking of seedlings and at vegetative stages resulted in the highest but quasi(prenominal) soluble protein contents in tomato leaves and the lowest was found when it was applied at the flowering stage. The soluble protein content in leaves was also significantly influenced by the application of variable levels of GA3. The highest content was recorded with 50 ppm and the lowest content was recorded with 100 ppm GA3 which indicated that soluble protein content in leaves increased significantly until the application of 50 ppm and thereafter decreased with further increase in GA3 concentrations. Adlakha and Verma (1964) also reported that 50 ppm GA3 had appreciably increased the protein content in leaves.The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded at vegetative stage. The lowest was observed in flowering stage and this was similar to the activity performed when GA3 was applied through root soaking. Nitrate reductase activity was significantly influenced by the application of different concentrations of GA3. The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded with 75 ppm GA3 and the minimum was found from the control. Spraying of 50 and 75 ppm GA3 did n ot found any difference in NR activities at 40 days after planting.The applications of GA3 at different stages of plant growth resulted in significant influence on yield and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest plant height was recorded when GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage and the lowest height was recorded at the flowering stage. GA3 had significant influence on plant height. It increased until the application of 50 ppm and declined remarkably with further increase in GA3 concentrations. The interactions amongst stage and concentrations of GA3 indicated that the application of 50 ppm of GA3 at the vegetative stage encouraged vigorous plant growth and thereby resulted in the highest plant height. there was no significant difference among the stages of hormone application in respect of time to first fruit setting. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking followed by the vegetative stage . All those parameters showed the lowest results when GA3 was applied at flowering stage. Similar result was also reported by Kaushik et al., 1974. They applied GA3 at vegetative stage and obtained increased fruit weight per plant. Sanyal et al. (1995) observed that foliar application was more powerful than root soaking of seedlings. GA3 concentrations had statistically significant effect on plant height, time to first fruit setting, number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant. The highest plant height was found with the application of 50 ppm GA3 which was identical to 25 ppm and the lowest was found from the control. The maximum time for first fruit setting was required when GA3 was applied at 100 ppm and the lowest time was required with lower concentrations of GA3. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced with 50 ppm GA3 application and the lowest was recorded with 100 ppm. Saleh and Abdul (1980) reported similar result from their ex periment. They found that GA3 at 50 ppm decreased the total number of flowers per plant but increased the total yield. Hossain (1974), Adlakha and Verma (1995) found that the application of 50 ppm GA3 had increased the fruit setting, while Saleh and Abdul (1980) observed that GA3 at 25 or 50 ppm had increased the total yield of tomato compared to the control. Sanyal et al. (1995) also found that 50 ppm of GA3 had grievous effect on the yield of tomato.The interaction between GA3 concentrations and stages of application indicated that the highest number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant were produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking of seedlings at 50 ppm which was identical to the application of 50 ppm at vegetative stage or 25 ppm at flowering stage. A autocratic and linear relationship was found between the number of flowers per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.96**) (Figure 1), number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.99**) (Figur e 2) which indicated that the fruit yield of tomato is highly influenced by the production of flowers and the computer memory of fruits per plant irrespective of the stage and amount of GA3 applied in tomato plants.ConclusionIt was revealed from the study that application of GA3 at the rate of 50-75 ppm by root soaking and at vegetative stage increased biochemical properties as well as increase the number of flowers, fruits and fruit yield per plant of Binatomato-2. It can be concluded that foliar application of 50 ppm Gibberelic acid on Binatomato-2 variety provide the best result in terms of biochemical attributes and yield.ReferencesAdlakha, P. A. Verma, S. K. (1964). Effect of gibberellic acid on the quality of tomato fruit. 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Effect of growth regulators on yield and yield attributes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Advance Plant Science 10 (2), 29-31.Table 1. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on bio- chemical parameters of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2 at 40 DATIn a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT.Table 2. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on yield and yield components of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2In a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT.Significant at 5% level, ** Significant at 1% level

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