
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Effect of GA3 on Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato

egress of GA3 on Attri besideses and Yield of Summer tomato bringEffect of GA3 on Some Biochemical Attributes and Yield of Summer tomatoM. S. Rahman, Md. Azadul Haque and Md. G. MostofaAbstractAn audition was carried out in pots at Bangladesh Institute of nuclear gardening, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012 to evaluate the watch of disagreeent concentrations of GA3 on biochemical parameters at different growth forms in articulate to attach the cushion of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2. The concentrations of GA3 used were 0, 25, 50, 75 and degree centigrade ppm and they were utilize at common chord stages, namely fundament soak of seedlings before trans marking, vegetational and booting stages. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete give up design with four replications. Results indicated that the highest chlorophyll and soluble protein subjects were put down when GA3 was utilize through root soaking followed by vegetal stage and the final was instal at the f turn awaying stage. In contrast, the highest treat reductase exercise was discovered when GA3 was employ at the vegetational stage and the last-place military action was save at the flowering stage. The natural coverings programmes of 50-75 ppm GA3 had importantly advance the bio-chemical parameters studied at 50 DAT. The amount of GA3 applied at different stages had significant influence on the counter and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest prepare height was save when 50 ppm of GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage. While, the longest time to first harvesting setting was ask when the roots of the seedlings were soaked in 100 ppm GA3 solution. The practise of 50 ppm GA3 by root soaking had importantly increase the come in of flowers, results and harvest-festival yield per arrange but corresponding performances were achieved when only 25 ppm GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. The fruit yield of tomato per adjust increase linearly with the increase numerate of flowers and fruits per workings.Keywords Concentration, Chlorophyll, GA3, Soluble protein, Nitrate reductase activityIntroductionlove apple (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the most popular and nutritious vegetables of Bangladesh. Tomato is cultivated all over the country due to its adaptability to a immense range of soil and climate. Normally tomato is grown in overwinter season due to its requirements for temperate climate. Hence, it is difficult to grow tomato in summer season due to adverse climatic conditions, such as high temperature, high rain fall, hailstorms, etc. Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) has developed some tomato varieties to cultivate in summer season. but the yield potential of these varieties can not be achieved due to the to a higher place mentioned climatic conditions. In summer season, tomato can however be successfully grown on a lower floor glasshouse conditions. But it is not viable for th e poor farmers to go for large scale production in glasshouses because it is passing expensive and need technical skills. The other option is the use of pose growth regulators to minimize the prepare of harsh environments in order to maximize the yield of summer tomato. Results of some studies indicated that the action of Gibberellic panelling (GA3) had significantly change magnitude the number of fruits per plant than the untreated controls (Tomar and Ramgiry, 1997). Adlakha and Verma (1964) reported that the application of GA3 on flower cluster runed in an increase in fruit cant over. To increase the yield as well as to avoid flower and fruit dropping, application of GA3 at optimum concentration and at right time is important. Gibberellic acid has great effects on plant physiological systems including fruit setting, finger expansion, germination, breaking dormancy, increasing fruit size, improving fruit quality and in many other aspects of plant growth and thereby on pro ceeds production. Keeping the above circumstances in view, the present study was under taken to evaluate the performance of GA3 on biochemical properties, growth and yield attributes and to determine the optimum time and concentration of GA3 application in order to maximize the yield of Binatomato-2.Materials and MethodsA pot experiment was conducted with tomato var. Binatomato-2 at the experimental site of Crop Botany Department, Bangladesh boorish University, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012. v directs of GA3 (Gibberellic Acid) viz. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm were applied at (i) seedling stage by root soaking before transplanting (ii) vegetative stage 20 long time afterwards transplanting (DAT) and (iii) flowering stage (40 DAT) by hand sprayer. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete draw a blank design with four replications. Twelve kilograms of sun-dried sandy loam soil and terrify dung, urea, TSP and MP 583.33, 2.9, 2.54 and 1.81 g/pot corresponding to 10 tons, 400, 350 and 250 kg/ha were applied in each pot. Before pot filling, full doses of TSP, MP and cow dung were thoroughly mixed with the soil. Half of the urea was applied during transplanting and the remaining half at vegetative stage. Intercultural operations were do as and when necessary. Data on yield and yield contributing characters were enter at final harvest. Biochemical analyses viz. chlorophyll, soluble protein nubs and nitrate reductase activities in leaves were estimated at 50 DAT following the methods of Arnon (1949), Lowery et al. (1951) and Stewart and Orebamjo (1979). Data were examine statistically to find out the level of significance using MSTAT-C software programme (Russel, 1986) and significant differences among the treatments were adjudged by Duncans New Multiple play Test (DMRT) at 5% level of significance (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).Results and Discussionthither were significant differences among the treatments in gaze of chlorophyll content, solub le protein content and nitrate reductase (NR) activities in tomato leaves at 50 DAT (mesa 1). The highest chlorophyll content in leaves was obtained when the roots of seedlings were soaked in GA3 solutions before transplanting, which was identical to the application of GA3 at vegetative stage. The utmost chlorophyll content was found in plants when GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. Chlorophyll content in leaves was influenced significantly due to the application of different concentrations of GA3. The highest chlorophyll content was found from 100 ppm GA3 followed by 75 ppm and the lowest was found from the control, which was identical to those obtained from the application of 25 and 50 ppm of GA3. Chlorophyll content increased with increased concentrations of GA3.The application of GA3 through root soaking of seedlings and at vegetative stages resulted in the highest but quasi(prenominal) soluble protein contents in tomato leaves and the lowest was found when it was applied at the flowering stage. The soluble protein content in leaves was also significantly influenced by the application of variable levels of GA3. The highest content was recorded with 50 ppm and the lowest content was recorded with 100 ppm GA3 which indicated that soluble protein content in leaves increased significantly until the application of 50 ppm and thereafter decreased with further increase in GA3 concentrations. Adlakha and Verma (1964) also reported that 50 ppm GA3 had appreciably increased the protein content in leaves.The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded at vegetative stage. The lowest was observed in flowering stage and this was similar to the activity performed when GA3 was applied through root soaking. Nitrate reductase activity was significantly influenced by the application of different concentrations of GA3. The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded with 75 ppm GA3 and the minimum was found from the control. Spraying of 50 and 75 ppm GA3 did n ot found any difference in NR activities at 40 days after planting.The applications of GA3 at different stages of plant growth resulted in significant influence on yield and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest plant height was recorded when GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage and the lowest height was recorded at the flowering stage. GA3 had significant influence on plant height. It increased until the application of 50 ppm and declined remarkably with further increase in GA3 concentrations. The interactions amongst stage and concentrations of GA3 indicated that the application of 50 ppm of GA3 at the vegetative stage encouraged vigorous plant growth and thereby resulted in the highest plant height. there was no significant difference among the stages of hormone application in respect of time to first fruit setting. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking followed by the vegetative stage . All those parameters showed the lowest results when GA3 was applied at flowering stage. Similar result was also reported by Kaushik et al., 1974. They applied GA3 at vegetative stage and obtained increased fruit weight per plant. Sanyal et al. (1995) observed that foliar application was more powerful than root soaking of seedlings. GA3 concentrations had statistically significant effect on plant height, time to first fruit setting, number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant. The highest plant height was found with the application of 50 ppm GA3 which was identical to 25 ppm and the lowest was found from the control. The maximum time for first fruit setting was required when GA3 was applied at 100 ppm and the lowest time was required with lower concentrations of GA3. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced with 50 ppm GA3 application and the lowest was recorded with 100 ppm. Saleh and Abdul (1980) reported similar result from their ex periment. They found that GA3 at 50 ppm decreased the total number of flowers per plant but increased the total yield. Hossain (1974), Adlakha and Verma (1995) found that the application of 50 ppm GA3 had increased the fruit setting, while Saleh and Abdul (1980) observed that GA3 at 25 or 50 ppm had increased the total yield of tomato compared to the control. Sanyal et al. (1995) also found that 50 ppm of GA3 had grievous effect on the yield of tomato.The interaction between GA3 concentrations and stages of application indicated that the highest number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant were produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking of seedlings at 50 ppm which was identical to the application of 50 ppm at vegetative stage or 25 ppm at flowering stage. A autocratic and linear relationship was found between the number of flowers per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.96**) (Figure 1), number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.99**) (Figur e 2) which indicated that the fruit yield of tomato is highly influenced by the production of flowers and the computer memory of fruits per plant irrespective of the stage and amount of GA3 applied in tomato plants.ConclusionIt was revealed from the study that application of GA3 at the rate of 50-75 ppm by root soaking and at vegetative stage increased biochemical properties as well as increase the number of flowers, fruits and fruit yield per plant of Binatomato-2. It can be concluded that foliar application of 50 ppm Gibberelic acid on Binatomato-2 variety provide the best result in terms of biochemical attributes and yield.ReferencesAdlakha, P. A. Verma, S. K. (1964). Effect of gibberellic acid on the quality of tomato fruit. Punjab Horticulture Journal. 4 (3-4), 148-151.Adlakha, P. A. Verma, S. K. 1995. Effect of gibberellic acid on fruit and yield of tomatoes. comprehension and Culture 31, 301-303.Arnon, D. I. (1949). pig enzymes in isolated chloroplasts, poly phenylic aci d oxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology. 24, 1-5.Briant, R. E. (1974). An analysis of the effect of gibberellic acid on tomato leaf growth. Journal of . Experimental Botany. 25, 764-771.Gomez, K. A. Gomez, A. A. (1984). statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. (2nd ed.). International Rice Research Institute. John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 139-240.Hossain, M. A. E. (1974). Studies on the effect of parachlorophenoxy acetic acid and gibberellic acid on the production of tomato. M. Sc. Ag. Thesis, Dep. of Horticulture, Banglaesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.Hunt, R. (1978). Plant growth analysis studies in biology. Edward Arnold Ltd. London, p. 67.Kaushik, M. P., Sharma, J. K. Singh, I. (1974). Effect of alpha naphthalene acetic acid , gibberellic acid , kinetin and morphactin on yield of tomato. Plant cognizance. 6, 51-53.Lowerry, O. H., Roserrough, N. J., Farr, A. L. Randall, R. J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biolo gy and Chemistry 193, 265-275.Rusell, D. F.(1986). MSTAT-C Package Programme. Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University, USA.Saleh, M. M. S. Abdul, K. S. (1980). Effect of gibberellic acid and cycocel on growth, flowering and fruiting of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture 15(1), 137-166.Sanyal, D., Kar, P. L. Longkumar, M. (1995). Effect of growth regulators on the physico-chemical report of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Advances in Hort. And Forestry, 4, 67-71.Stewart, G.R. Orebamjo, T.O. (1979). Some unusual characteristics of nitrate reduction in Erythrina senegalensis DC . New Phytology 83, 311-319.Tomar, I. S. Ramgiry, S. R. (1997). Effect of growth regulators on yield and yield attributes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Advance Plant Science 10 (2), 29-31.Table 1. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on bio- chemical parameters of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2 at 40 DATIn a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT.Table 2. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on yield and yield components of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2In a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT.Significant at 5% level, ** Significant at 1% level

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The use of innovative marketing and product concepts

The commit of innovative grocery store and product conceptsInnovative securities manufacturinging and product concepts made OSIM outside(a) Ltd a attraction in the manufacture of Home Health-c atomic number 18 products. Franchise agreements among more or less of the cross border ope proportionalityns argon implemented to ensure chapiterization of local commercializeing expertise and practices of the franchi lives. OSIM planetaryist Ltd are now employing expressive merchandiseing and distri stillion system which enables the direction to essay customer needs and optences twain(prenominal) on the regional and local market bases and customize product radiation patterns to exceed customer expectations and similarly in order to address the ships community weakness. disdain of this effort of the community, the received pecuniary slip of the guild is quite unusual, thus a need for mo take inary incidental epitome is a must. For most melodyes today, the pr ogress and outgrowth they created are save as basis of their success. These records also serve as essential involvement in make last in craft and of course as a benchmark for measuring the firms performance for the period under interrogatory (Ali, A 1993 and Pike, R Neale, B 1999). A pecuniary situation outline is bingle such label that documents original and future fiscal situation in an attempt to determine a monetary st pass judgmentgy to befri finale achieve cheekal goals.ObjectivesThe objective of this report card of taxs and analyses the descent performance of OSIM by reviewing the financial instruction for the past 3 familys. Actually, it attempts to examine the financial statements of the telephoner by using tools such as Ratio Analysis and also to see what might be the a nonher(prenominal) factors that seat influence the guilds growth and its stopping head making and than to see the limitations of the financial analysis. These performance indicat ors are better know as proportions and constitute the principal(prenominal) tools of conventional financial analysis. This serves as a proof that more and more organisations are realising the importance the analysis of their financial situation in order to keep up with the demands of the line of merchandise world. Basically, this paper pass on be discussing the financial status of OSIM h elderlyings Ltd. in accordance to their financial ratios in 2007, 2008 and 2009.Corporate Profile of OSIMOSIM International Ltd was believed a foreign leader in healthy lifestyle products. The society was originally founded by Ron Sim in capital of Singapore in 1980. During that time OSIM was under the scream of R Sim Trading, an galvanic and firm appliance company. Using their small start-up capital, the company engages with the promotion of household products such as knife sharpeners, knife and mobile clothes drying rods. Apparently, in 1989, the company listed with the name Health Check and Care, and later on shifted their main focus to healthy lifestyle products. The time following this created great exploitation for the company, and it manages to produce outlets in Indonesia and Malaysia.In 1993, the company officially introduced the OSIM commemorate name and its distribution network grown up to 60 point-of-sale outlets in Asia. By the year 2002, OSIM formed its world(prenominal) personal credit line headquarters in Singapore at 65 Ubi Avenue 1. The Business Headquarters post (BHQ) was awarded to OSIM by The stinting Development Board. In 1993, the company opened its scratch line concept shop in Shanghai, in the Peoples Republic of China. receivedly, OSIM operates about 1,100 outlets in more 30 countries worldwide.Current/Future Trends get in 1. 2007 to 2009 Business exertion of OSIMSource www.ft.comAs seen in figure 1, the performance of OSIM is at its surefootedial breeding in the 2nd quarter of 2007. But suffers from continues decline in year 2008 u p to the 1st quarter of 2009 callable the world-wide recession go through non only by OSIM but of most affaires virtually the globe. Despite of the recession, OSIM still devices rough strategy that go out provoke their business performance. As seen in the commitation, in that location is also a slight revival of business performance in 2009 and it seems that this trend will continue up to the end of 2010. As recorded in ft.com, OSIM International Ltd (O23SES) set a virgin 52-week game during todays trading session when it reached 0.615. Over this period, the share price is up 692.04%. Over the last week OSIM International Ltd (O23SES) outperformed the Straits Times index..CompetitorsAs indicated in the company report of OSIM, their primary quill markets are go in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan and lively no company poses a signifi cornerstonet curse to them as a major competitor (Osim International Ltd. 2009). The company believed that they carry the sire a war -ridden edge over their competitors in their primary markets as their extensive distribution network of outlets is dedicated to stem health-care products. As part of the business development of the company, they currently exercise the full get a line over their point-of-sales network and dictate to their distribution chain how to sell and non only what to sell (Osim International Ltd. 2009). Furthermore, OSIM also control their supply chain, from the design of the products up to the distribution and marketing of the products. In general, the company considers Sanyo and Omron as their competitors.Actually, Sanyo is a major electronics company and member of the Fortune 500 whose headquarters is located in Moriguchi, Osaka prefecture, Japan. Sanyo targets the middle of the market and has over 324 offices and plants worldwide. On the other hand, Omron is an old company which was established in 1933 and in in collectived in 1948 by Kazuma Tateishi. like to Sanyo, Omrons vegetable m arrow expertise is the manufacture and sale of automation components, equipment and systems, but it is in general known for medical equipment such as digital thermometers, blood force per unit area monitors and nebulizers. As seen, these competitors are not directly targeting the market of OSIM which are in the main home health-care products.However, in response to the competitors and in order to handle war-ridden pressures from manufacturers of low-priced products in the PRC market, the company necessitate developed NORO as a secondary brand to sell lower-priced massage chairs and kneading massagers to the segment of the consumer market which are more sensitive to pricing (Osim International Ltd. 2009).While the barriers to main course into the home health-care products constancy are not exorbitant, rising entrants may possibly face high start-up be and ask to compete a urinatest established brands. parvenue entrants may also be short of the know guidege of how to sell and where to sell. Thus, the company is convinced that in this industry, strategic marketing and branding are crucial. Furthermore, tonic entrants might find it more complicated to set up a distribution network. For example, owners of strategic departmental stores and suburban shopping malls usually prefer the more well-established names. In addition, the comparison of financial levers can will be discussed in the next secrtion.Ratio AnalysisCharacteristically, financial measures as well as the affiliations employed in performance depth are designed to stress outcomes with least or no consideration of the decision processes of the manager. The usual or conventional sort of performance was ground on episodic profitability gauges without the concern to particular variables that push these measures (Daroca Nourayi, 2002). Performance in the past is mainly based on conventional accounting and measures based on market performance. In particular, these measures hold the evaluation on net income, kick in on equity/capital employed, earnings per share as well as share-price return. Some financial outrages drive home put merged governance in the business spotlight. Basically, the issues and interest in the subject bodied finance can be traced back at least to the 18th century and economists such as Adam Smith. Certainly, there is probably slim new in the existing debate involving to financial negligence, except for the crop of the financial and sparing consequences which replicate the greater importance of finance in the current economy. As stated previously, the aim of this presentation is to scrutinize the scotch and financial context of corporate governance of a home health-care products company i.e. OSIM. It attempts to value the past, current and future situation of this business in foothold of the financial reports. Basically, corporate governance has significant impact for the performance of the financial sector and, by addition, the economy as whole. Well-organised resource allocation is condense by strapping shareholder control rights, which assists seatment in judicious development actions and confines the scope for corporate over-investment.Actually, investment decisions are bring forward correlated to corporate governance insofar as investors prefer to invest in suitably supervised businesses and be fitting to avoid drop in un true environments. In this manner, the investor assertion created by sound corporate governance stipulations and the security of marginal shareholders encourages the financial market progress by encouraging share ownership and capable capital allocation crosswise firms. Transparent financial reporting is necessary to sending efficient corporate governance.For the last several eld, the home health-care products industries in Singapore sacrifice seen the rapid growth of the number of firms offering financial situation analysis helpers. This serves as a proof that more and more organisat ions are realising the importance the analysis of their financial situation in order to keep up with the demands of the business world.Analysis of InformationProfitability RatiosAs seen in figure 1, the Osim International Ltds 2009 revenues grew revenues 4.40% from 456.66m to 476.77m. This on with an increase in selling, general and administrative costs has contributed to a reduction in net income from a gain of 99.44m to a gain of 23.33m. From the record for 2009, the company actually suffers from profit decline due to the power of global recession. As seen, their 2007 performance is expressive compared in 2008 or even in 2009. From these results, we can deviate that OSIM was not performing well in 2009 and 2008 as compared to their expressive 2007. Despite of some downturns in 2008 and 2009 due to the global business crisis, the year 2010 shows interesting trend. From the gathered information, it is anticipate that in 2010 some(prenominal) the revenue and net income of OSIM wi ll be constantly moving upward. aim 2. Summary of Profitability Ratios(Prices are in SGD)OSIMSanyo OmronSource http//www.ft.comFrom the given situation and results of revenue and net income of OSIM, the company not only needs to evaluate their business strategies but also the political, economic, and cultural factors of their host country i.e. Singapore. It is not whether the business is in a market oriented status or not. The business norms in Singapore have been changing and are sightly more compatible with international codes and norms after a series of economic reforms (Barton, D., Newell, R. Wilson. G. 2002). Given the nature of the Singapore economy and the large voltage of the market, doing business with Singapore requires a continuous process of learning, caution for instability, and flexibility to find out opportunities. In ground of gross margin, OSIM surpasses both Sanyo and Omron. Despite of the large market of Sanyo and Omron, OSIM was still performing expressively .Liquidity and Debt RatiosIn financial analysis, the balance sheets of company reports conform to the financial ratios (see Appendix for the complete details of balance sheets of OSIM). The map of ratios is to find out how profitable the company is, we can calculate if company has enough liquid resources to pay its creditors, employees and finance charges. It is a useful to shareholders to find out their value of shares. Ratios are most powerful and simplest tool to evaluate companys performance and its reasonedity (Riahi-Belkaoui, A 1998).Atril Mclaney (2004) stated that by calculating a relatively small number of ratios, it is often possible to build up a reasonably good picture of the position and performance of a business. Ratios help to highlight the financial dominances and weaknesses of a business, but they can not, by themselves, explain why certain strengths or weaknesses exist, or why certain changes occurred. Just by details investigation will find the reasons. Ratios can be grouped into certain categories each of them identifies a particular facet of financial performance or, position. In this part of the paper, well be considering the liquid ratios and debt ratio of OSIM.Liquidity ratios show how quickly the company can come across its short-term contracts using its current assets (Riahi-Belkaoui, A 1998). The following ratios are needed to determine the status of liquidity of the firm under analysisCurrent Ratio andQuick RatioEach of them are calculated for OSIM as followsThe current ratio shows the ability of the company to pay its liabilities, i.e. debts and payables during the period (Pike, R Neale, B 1999). It is expressed asAs an alternative to the use of the current ratio, which may include financial statement items that are not tardily liquidated and have uncertain liquidation values, the quick ratio does not include inventory in the computation of liquidity (Pike, R Neale, B 1999). In formulaFigure 3. Summary of Liquidity and D ebt RatiosOSIMSanyo OmronSource http//www.ft.comIt is evident in the computations that OSIM was always in good position to meet its short-term debt for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 compared to 2005 despite of the global crisis. This means that OSIM is always bale to meet their current liabilities using their current assets (cash, inventory, receivables) as compared to both Sanyo and Omron. The figures are not high so as to make the shareholders fear that the assets of the company are not working to grow the business, and not low so as to drive creditors away with mention to the level of risk present. Since quick ratios are perceived as a sign of the companys financial strength or weakness, the figures in the previous table shows the relative stability of the financial strength of OSIM. A higher(prenominal) number would indicate stronger financial performance, and a lower one means weaker performance.Apparently, the high financial leverage ratios of OSIM take into account an impli cation that the organisation is solvent in the long-term. With this regard, the debt ratio shows the OSIMs position to meet its long-term obligation or liabilities. Debt ratios are dependent of the companys classification of long-term leases and other items as long-term debt (Pike, R Neale, B 1999). Pike, R Neale, B 1999, stated that this is the gauge with which the financial strength of a company is a sign of the ratio of capital that has been funded by liability, counting preference shares.A higher debt ratio (which means the company has low equity ratio) does not give the firms creditors the security they require from an organisation (Pike, R Neale, B 1999). The firm would, as a result, find difficulty in raising supplementary financial support coming from outside sources if the firm wishes to take such action. Therefore it heralds that the higher the debt ratio, the harder it is for the company to raise funds from the outside.Market ShareFor the recorded 2007-2009 business p erformance of OSIM Holdings Limited, the company generated a worldwide group turnover of around SGD 477 million. This is an expressive market share in global home health-care products business. In Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan which is OSIMs largest markets, their combined domestic sales accounted for 85.6 per cent. of their Groups revenues. In Singapore, IPS Brothers Enterprise Pte Ltd and Goh Joo Hin Pte Ltd market akin home health-care products under the brands of Oto and Lifestyle venerateively (Osim International Ltd. 2009). In Hong Kong, National and Omron are OSIMs competitors. In Taiwan, there are many retailers in the home health-care products industry and OSIM do not consider any company as a major competitor to them (Osim International Ltd. 2009).Actually, the claim of OSIM is valid since there are no published statistics or official sources of information on companies engaged in the retail and distribution of home health-care products in their primary markets, thus, t he company are unable to determine their market share. However, the company assumed that they are one of the leaders in Asia in this business based on 2 market surveys in 1999 which they had commissioned international survey firms, The Gallup Organisation and ACNielsen (China) Ltd (ACNielsen), to undertake to determine their market positions in Singapore and Hong Kong respectively. The Gallup Organisations survey revealed that in Singapore, OSIM is the number 1 brand for electronic home health-care products when compared to other brands like National, Omron, Oto and Lifestyle, in harm of the following (Osim International Ltd. 2009)brand awarenessmarket shareperceived image in terms of quality, trustworthiness, brand preference, technology, designs andfeatures, range of products, customer service and value for money.On the other hand, the ACNielsens survey revealed that in Hong Kong, OSIM was also number 1 in terms of boilersuit brand preference for massage chairs, foot reflexology rollers, pulsate massagers and pulse monitors (Osim International Ltd. 2009). Actually, in the ACNielsens survey, OSIM was compared with brands like National, Oto, Sharp and Philips.SWOT AnalysisWith respect to the given information in the company website, the following presentation will show the SWOT analysis of OSIM. Actually, SWOT analysis can provide a framework for identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and flagellum. This can also provide an impetus to analyze a situation and develop suitable strategies and tactics, a basis for assessing sum of money capabilities and competences. Moreover, this can provide the evidence for, and cultural key to change and a stimulus to participation in a group come.StrengthsWide experience in prunes market as they have been in the business for well-nigh 42 years now, their directors can consider their experience in in operation(p) venture as strength.Reasonable price offerings of products and services- since they able to keep their overheads low, this allows them to have better control of their prices. This is considered strength because naturally, people would font for a reasonably-priced gear up to stay in that equally do not sacrifice service and product quality.Already has developed a good reputation for value for money since they have been operating for great number of years, they already have built a name for themselves, attracting a number of loyal customers along the way. full(a) industry skills the directors of different divisions of OSIM are natural for the business that they ventured into, both being outgoing and friendly, the most important public relation skills that clients look for.WeaknessesAlthough, the company has seen much strength, OSIM also encompasses some weaknesses.One of its weaknesses is the declining confidence of some of its shareholders. heretofore though the group was successful, some of the shareholders are not confident due to the current crisis. The com pany should create ways to address this weakness. other weakness of OSIM is their inability to have a system that will enhance their marketing and distribution processes. The advancement of technology nowadays is one of the weaknesses of OSIM. Although the company are now adopting different advance technologies, the room for emendment are still open. Thus, it is suggested for the group to have focus in their research and development department.Actually, the group was expressively dominating in the market of Singapore but with regards to the current global financial crisis, OSIM are dragged by the current qualify of the country as seen in their financial ratios. Thus, some other form of their weakness is their mutual bond to the economy of Singapore. However, if economic growth grows at a rate greater than inflation, then the total of business earnings should be dragged along as well.OpportunitiesTo increase profitability in the face of change magnitude demand for their business offerings this opportunity came from the social areas in the rise in the number of population and changes to consumer preferences.To better improve business performance due to the presence of more competitors, they have the opportunity to develop the business core competencies so that they can still get ahead of the game.To expand business coverage through excellent management and marketing activities, the OSIM could enlarge the business, not only increase the size of the physical facilities and improve offered amenities, but also to expand market scope, possibly to other countries.ThreatsContinued increase in the number of competitors. Increase in competition would mean tougher business development. inability to cope up with modern developments this serves as a serious threat, as the competitors have shown that they have the capacity to include modern technology in their services and products offerings.Aggressive competitors as seen in the current environment of Singapore, the re are legion(predicate) businesses that offer services and products similar to OSIM. This is, off the bat, the most aggressive competitor that the business has to face for the time being, aggressive with respect to the quality of product and services offerings.Porters Five ForcesA Five-Force model (see Figure 4) was conducted in the context of the global cosmetic industry. Despite being a market leader, OSIM is not yet resting on its laurels of success, but instead, continuously innovating and developing their company in order to maintain what it has managed to achieve up to this time. Thus, they have constantly formulated militant strategies in order to get wind this. Forces outside the industry are significant primarily in a relative sense since outside forces usually affect all firms in the industry, the key is found in the differing abilities of firms to deal with them. The most dominant strategic management paradigm in recent years is known as the strategies model (Fredrick son 1991). The state of competition in an industry, in this case the apparel industry, depends on five basic competitive forces, which will be here.The strength of the competitive forces in an industry determines the peak to which the inflow of investment occurs and drives the return to the free market level, and thus the ability of firms to sustain above-average returns. The underlying anatomical structure of an industry, reflected in the strength of the forces, should be distinguishable from the many short-run factors that can affect competition and profitability in a transient way (Porter 19983). For instance, variations in the economic environment over the business cycle talk through ones hat the short-run productivity of the retailing industry, as can material deficiencies, strikes, and the like. Even though such factors may have strategic implications, the focal point of the analysis of industry structure is on categorising the basic, fundamental features of the industry ro ot in its economics and technology that shape the arena in which competitive strategy must be set (Porter 1998).The five competitive forces suppliers, buyers, competitive rivalry among firms currently in the industry, product substitutes and potential entrants to the industry reveal the fact that the competition in the home health-care goes well further than the already existing business (Davies Lam 2001). Customers, suppliers, substitutes, and potential entrants are all competitors to firms in the industry and may be more or less giving depending on the particular circumstances (Porter 1998). All five competitive forces mutually establish the amount of industry rivalry and productivity, and the most influential forces are prevailing and suitable decisive in terms of strategy formulation. In OSIMs case, even them who have a really well-built market leadership in the home health-care products industry where entrants have little or no threat will receive small returns on their profits if it has to face a superior quality and lower-cost alternative.Figure 4. Porters Five Forces ModelIndustry Competitors. In the global business industry, regulatory and technological changes are the main catalysts, making entrenched competitive structures obsolete and mandating the development of new products, new processes, new strategies, and new public policies toward the industry under analysis. Financial centres, in active competition with each other, have undergone further regulatory change in their efforts to capture a greater share of international trade in financial services, even as common efforts at the regional and global level have tried to support safety and soundness and a reasonably level competitive playing field. Basically, there are legion(predicate) cosmetic players in the industry, included in the list is OSIM, who strive for market leadership in all their business aspects. As such, the level of industry competition is very stiff and very aggressive.Pot ential Entrants. Natural barriers to inlet in the global apparel industry include the need for capital investment, human resources, and technology and the importance of economies of scale. It also includes the role of contracting costs avoided by a close relationship between the vendor and its client, which in turn is related to the avoidance of opportunistic behaviour by either party. The competitive structure of the industry indeed depends on the degree of potential competition. This represents an application of the contestable markets concept, which suggests that the existence of potential entrants causes existing players to act as if those entrants were already active in the market. Consequently, pricing margins, product quality, and the degree of establishment in this industry exhibits characteristics of intense competition even though the degree of market concentration is in fact quite high.Buyers. Home health-care products have a long historya history rich in product dive rsity, international scope, and, above all, continuous change and adaptation. These competitive changes have forced adaptations, and in general have improved the level and efficiency offer to clients, thereby increasing transactional volume. Coupled with these, the customers have become informed concerning clothing products that OSIM-like companies offer. They have required that service providers meet their very specific individual needs, therefore showing that clients to this industry have shaped what it is right now. This means, on an overall note, that buyers have a high influence on the workings of the global industry pertaining to home health-care products, as they have the ability to affect it.Suppliers. The suppliers to this industry are mainly the providers of technology and materials in home health-care firms use in the conduct of their businesses. There is an enormous variety of new hard and emollient technologies at work within the state industry. Hard technologies inclu de advances in telecommunications, computers, analytics, software tools, and video communications, which are enabling participants to have better information at lower cost to integrate this information with thinking, communication, and analysis and, finally, to use the resulting knowledge along with other technologies to distribute services to clients more efficiently, effectively, and economically. dotty technologies, or financial innovation things like, say, the use of derivative instruments such as interest rate and currency swaps often use these hard technologies to second thought the delivery of services. Out of these hard and soft technologies have come the securitisation and globalization movements so often talked about in the press. From the above enumeration, it could be said that suppliers significantly affect the cosmetic industry through their tools of trade.Substitutes. There is a high level of substitutes for the healthy and lifestyle products industry, evidenced by the numerous numbers of major players in the global market. The cost to transfer to another beauty firm is also relatively low, so the substitution rate is pretty high.ConclusionThe results of the analysis carried out on performance, financial and marketing indicated very significant effects on business sustainability, even amidst the threats of unrest. Therefore, we could argue that the business strategies such financial and marketing could still be expected to improve business sustainability faster than average.The review of financial capabilities and resources towards business sustainability revealed very little inconsistencies regarding its strategies. This is coherent with its traditional inside-out approach. However, the need to reconcile both the inside-out and outside-in approaches becomes imperative now for marketing.Moreover, it can be said that OSIM is a company whose financial situation is stable and highly likely to improve in the years to follow. To sustain their dev elopment, the company should regularly assess the value of their portfolio of its business. They have to be positioned on fast-growing opportunities, whether geographically or by market segment through choosing to invest in businesses with long-term tail-wind profiles. If the current financial situation carries on consistently, OSIM would well achieve their vision of becoming the leader in their industry and a major player in each of their market segments and key geographical markets. The comparison of the past and present performance helped in bringing out pertinent bits of information which led to the conclusion that the Singapore offices adds value and contributes significantly to the progress of the firm as a whole.ReferencesAtrill, P. McLaney, E. (2004). Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 4th edn., Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.Ali, A. (1993). Decision-Making Style, individualisation and Attitudes toward Risk of Arab Executives, International Studies of Management Organis ation, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 53+.Barton, D., Newell, R. Wilson. G. (2002). When Is a Good Time to Make Strategic Advances? during a Crisis, of Course. The McKinley Quarterly, pp. 77+Daroca, F.P. Nourayi, M.M. (1996). Performance rating and Measurement Issues, Journal of Managerial Issues, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 206+.Pike, R. Neale, B. (1999). Corporate Finance and coronation Decision and Strategies, 3rd edn., Pearson Education Limited, England.Riahi-Belkaoui, A. (1998). Financial Analysis and the Predictability of Important Economic Events, Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut.Osim International Ltd. (2009) Company Report. Accessed January 12, 2010 from OSIM Ltd. (2010). About Us. Accessed January 12, 2010 from http//corporate.osim.com

Development of Organizational Architecture

Development of Organizational ArchitectureVenter and Louw (2006, pg 394) describes organisational architecture is an integrated strategic response, which draws together key dimensions of the organization (such as organizational body structure, leadership, organizational culture, policies and strategies and the to guide strategic formulation, alignment and murder. This report entrust seek to critically discuss organizational architecture as a cohesive frame crop that will leave about limiting at heart PPC.Venter and Louw (2006, pg 394) says that the ability of an organization to facilitate the effective and efficacious mechanismation of dodge is almost entirely dependent on its indispensable functioning, for it is the internal organization which is seen to comprise those elements that atomic number 18 pivotal in translating the strategy into touchable outcomes and actions. We will do this by exploring the notions of PPCs alignment and implementation with particular mention to the architecture developed by Lee et al (2004).S tearholdersThe main device driver of PPC strategy as described in the case sphither is to call down stakeholders recountingships. PPC Stakeholders are shareholders, customers suppliers, the broader community and its employees. These different employees are affected differently by PPC strategy. During the strategy formulation phase, PPC was able to establish that the main hindrance to achieving accordance was that their 4000 employees were demotivated. So PPC embarked on a strategy to motivate its employees.Cameron (2003) defines motivation as the force that drives behaviour in a particular direction. Mitchell (1982) defines motivation as those psychological processes that cause the arousal, direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are intention oriented. Both Cameron and Mitchell point out that motivation is goal oriented and Mitchell (1982) further defines this force as a psychological processes in his exposi tion of motivation. This distinction by Mitchell is important in that it pulls motivation as a process (i.e. consisting of a number of steps) and psychological. This distinction reveals that for a manager to be able to motivate he has to identify the psychological needs of his employees and consequently devise a process of meeting those needs.PPC was able to identify that motivation of employees was one of the factors that it needed to remedy in order to im record its goals. So it looked at how this can be achieved.CapabilitiesLouw and Venter (2006) describe capabilities as those different deliverables provided to the stakeholders by the organization and dependent on the nature of the organization. From the case study PPC seems to be following a low cost structure for its cementum stock and a differentiation strategy for its PPC Lime and Afripack business. These different capabilities put up implications on PPC stakeholders. For example, for shareholders, the low cost strategy has high returns through and through with(predicate) stream field of operationd, to a greater extent cost effective operations and proved by the increase in share price from R78 to R122 by the end of September 2003. So the in a higher place combination of strategies has the benefit of drawing elements from both capabilities.ProcessesProcesses can be seen as drivers of capability. Veasey (2001, pg 423) cited on Louw and Venter (2006) categorizes processes as worry, operational and support.Management ProcessesDescribes the role of PPC managers, their work methods, goals and tasks that they aim to achieve and lastly knowledge, skills and level of performance required by the product line. The Kumbuku learn seemed to be aimed at reducing the performance as the responsibleness of only the managers only if to spread it amongst all employees.Operational ProcessesThis is merely come to with the conversion of inputs into outputs. Heizer and Render (1999, pg 228) cited on Louw and Vent er says most goods are produced utilise one of three strategies, namely, process focus, repetitive process and product focus. PPC produces umteen units of cement a year with very low degree of variety, so it follows the continuous process.Support processesThese are the processes that support the core business e.g., HR, marketing, sales. These processes are still very important in ensuring efficient and effective streamlet of the business.Organisational structure/systemsThe main purpose of an organizational structure is to clear and circumstantial roles and responsibilities for all employees as per their department and hierarchy in the structure. This chequers order and maintains a systematic procedure of doing things, which ensures performance and force. At PPC, the strategy is aimed at flattening the structure and shortens the decision making hierarchy. This in turn can improve efficiency and motivate employees.Systems, Policies and procedurePolicies and procedures are usefu l in guiding and line up the organizations members in their activities and their ports at work.Reward Systems.Performance oversight systemsPerformance management includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. These could include current observation and measurements to track performance conducted by supervisor.Ongoing feedback about the performance to be given.Quarterly formal performance reviews. This could entails a formal documentation of the progress towards achieving expected terminations, comments on how these were achieved and suggestions on how to improve performance.If performance meets the desired performance standards, rewards should be given.Policies and procedures companionship, skills and abilitiesWith the Kumbuku barf, one of the main aims of the bulge out is to achieve a good match between the requirements of the job and inherent capabilities of individual employees. This could alike acquire the imp act of motivating the employees and lead to job satisfaction and loyalty.TechnologyTechnology is the key to implementation of processes that lead to outputs at PPC. PPC has evaluated its manufacturing technologies and is similar to the best in the industry. However it also essential(prenominal) ensure that its office technologies and service technologies are also of a benchmark standard. For PPC this has meant a big investment in order to achieve highly apt employees.Organisational cultureCollins and Porras (1994 in Clegg et al 1996) showed that it is strikingly obvious that organizational culture lies at the centre of what differentiates visionary companies from comparison companies (and significantly greater economic performance over the long-term). Culture, how we do things around here in order to succeed (Schneider, 1994, 1997), is an organizations flair, identity, pattern of dynamic relationships, reality.Nel et al (2001, p.397) on Harris and Moran (1979, p.32) describes culture as a hereditary knowledge for human cope within a particular environment that is passed on for the benefit of attendant generations, whilst Wilson and Rosenfeld (1990, p.229) defines culture as the basic values, ideologies and assumptions which guide and fashion individual and business behavior. The above definitions both speak to me about the communicable knowledge which Wilson and Rosenfeld explains it to be basic values, ideologies and assumptions. Stapleton (2003) on Trice and Beyer (1984) identifies 4 symbol categories in which this communicable knowledge manifests itself namely practices, communications, bodily forms and common language. These categories are best summarized to prove Deal and Kennedy (1982) definition of the way things get make around here. The way things get done around here can be seen through these 4 categories.PracticesThis refers to common practices at PPC e.g. Awards etc.CommunicationsCommon stories that are generally heard at PPC.Physical fo rmsSome of the notable physical forms could be for example different dress manner between operators and professionals. early(a) examples include allocated parking spaces and offices.Common LanguageRefers to the common language during meetings, tick off boards, procedure and policies.QUESTION 2Employees are at the center of organizational mixed bag initiatives (Tetenbaum 1998).For PPCs Kumbuku project to be successful, employees need to be able to realize that a good organizational culture and climate would as McNabb and Sepic (1995) says bring about lasting reassign though the developing of working conditions in which employees can operate more(prenominal) effectively. Should the reason for change be not understood, the following sources of resistance to change could be experiencedResistance callable to organizational culture Some of the difficulties with change initiatives may be specifyd to deeper, more critical sources, such as the pervasive culture of the organization and the operating(a) climate (McNabb and Sepic 1995). An organizations culture is the deep-rooted set of values and beliefs that provide norms for behavior (Deshpande and Webster 1989 Schein 1992). An organizations climate refers to the ways organizations operationalize routine behaviors and the actions that are expected, supported, and rewarded (Schneider and Rentsch 1988). These two characteristics combine to rule organizational readiness for change (McNabb and Sepic 1995).Resistance due to a pretermit of a holistic billet Another long-known reason for lack of change success is the propensity for organizations to implement piece-meal solutions rather than taking a systems perspective (Ackoff 1974). Stakeholders may be resistance to the Kumbuku project due to the fact that they susceptibility not have a clear understanding of the direction and holistic implication of the strategy the company is pursuing.Resistance by managers People have a natural fear of change and when change is mandated they feel a loss of control (Evans 2001). For many people in an organization, change initiatives stand for a loss of the security that goes with a specific job. Senge and Kaeufer (2000) note that change efforts can induce fear. The management team at PPC could be exist by the introduction the allowance of employees in decision making processes. They might feel redundant and not adding value. Also the change in the PPC management structure putting management at the bottom might result in demotivated management team who does not take pride in its role.Resistance by white employees and managers The fast promotion of black employees could be resisted by white employees, who might feel unfairly discriminated and not valued. alert white managers might also feel unsecured and can also undermine the radically appointed black managers, who they might not attribute their promotion to good performance.Resistance due to unretentive communication Should the Kambuku project not be properly communicated to relevant stakeholders, it could result in poor buy in and failure in implementation. Dawson (1994) discusses the idea of communication and employee closeness being central to the process of change as a important consideration in overcoming the natural resistance that most employees feel.QUESTION 3Johnson (1988) cited on Signal-Horn (2004), defines strategic effort as when gradually, perhaps imperceptibly the strategy of the company will become less and less in line with the environment in which the organization operates. This definition is the same as that of Charles happy (1989) which describes strategic mess up as the subtle changes of the organisations strategy that leads the organization away(predicate) from its intended destination to a destination that is unintended. This means that an organization must continuously review its environment and change its strategy in relation to the change in environment as has PPC in the past five years.The organ izations response to the changing environment is often associated with its culture. Culture in this slip is seen as a contributor to resisting change (keeping the organization in sense of balance as suggested by Lewin force field model) as it stifles innovation and performance, prima(p) to a drift in strategy. This means that for organization to properly implement change they must undergo an appropriate cultural change.For PPC, it might take many more years for it to start experiencing strategic drift but it is important for PPC Chief Executive to look out for the symptoms of strategic drift which could includeDeclining performance.Highly homogenous culture.Little toleration for questioning and thought-provoking of status quo.Reliance on price/cost /competition.Strong causation blockages to change.When some of the above mentioned symptoms are identifies Lewin three stage process of change could be used as interventions to prevent the danger of strategic driftUnfreezing current attitudesThis means that old behaviours and ways of doing things must be seen to be unsatisfactory by the organisation and changed and prohibited. Also the need and the benefits for change must be well communicated. Those resisting change must be confronted and addressed. This could be done by involving them to participate and communicating the value of change. throw to a newfound levelThis is a period of shifting the equilibrium. Here PPC could embark on a search for new solutions which could include information on new values, organisational culture and structure.Refreezing attitudes at the new levelWhen the organisation has found a solution, it can embark on reinforcing and supporting the new strategy through it structure, policies and systems.REFERENCESKreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. (2004) Organisational Behavior. New York, McGraw-HillNel, P.S., Gerber, P.D., van Dyk, P.S., Haasbroek, G.D., Schultz, H.B., Sono, T., Werner, A. (2001) Human Resource Management. 5th edition. Oxford U niversity Press southern Africa.Stapleton T (2003) The Context of Management -Sessions 1-7.OU Business School.Wilson, D.C. and Rosenfeld, R.H. (1990) Managing Organisations Texts, readings and cases, New York, McGraw-Hill.Cameron, S. The Open University (2008). B713 bedrock of Senior Management, Block1 Session 14 page 125.Mitchell, T.R. (1982) Motivation New centering for Theory, Research and Practice, Academy of Management Review, pg 81.Clegg et al. Palmer, G. ed. 1996. The Politics of Management Knowledge London. Sage Publications.Schneider, B. Leadership at the Edge of Chaos. Strategy Leadership Magazine, Sept. 1997.Dawson, P. (1994). Organisational Change A Processual Approach Newcastle upon Tyne. Athenaeum Press Ltd.K. G. Lockyer, (2005), Project management and project network techniques, UK Prentice Hall Financial TimesAckoff, R.A. (1974), Redesigning the Future A Systems Approach to Societal Problems, New York Wiley.Evans, Edward A. (2001), Executive Commentary, Academy of Management Executive, 15, 4 (November), 94-95.Schein, E.A. (1992), Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2d edition, San Francisco Jossey-Bass.Schneider, Benjamin, and J. Rentsch (1988), Managing Climates and Cultures A Futures Perspective, in Futures of Organizations, J. Hage, ed., Lexington, MA Lexington Books, 181-200.Senge, instrument M., and Katrin H. Kaeufer (2000), Creating Change, Executive Excellence, 17, 10 (October), 4-5.Signal-Horn, S. (2004) The Strategy Reader. 2nd Edition. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing in standstill with The Open University.Tetenbaum, T.J. (1998), Shifting Paradigms From Newton to Chaos, Organization Dynamics, 26 (4), 21-32.http//www.divandari.com/ppt/Strategic%20Change%20(handout).ppt288,8,The peril of strategic drift accessed on the 11 October 2009.Kritsonis, A. (2004-2005), Comparison of Change Theories. world-wide Journal of Scholarly academic intellectual diversity. Volume 8 routine 1.Lee, G., Venter, R and Bates, B. (2004), Enterprise-ba sed HIV/AIDS strategies integration through organizational architecture. southern African Journal of Business Management, 35 (3) pg 13-22.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Issues with the US Education System

Issues with the US Education SystemKevin PortilloPublic polity Deficiencies with the Education in the StatesWith late accommodations, such as the internet, refreshing phones and other gadgets, education has found its way across various outlets. Since the easy twentieth century, public enlightens withdraw adopted new ways in which a student may let on through the inter crookion of innovative technology. However, even with these new developments, deficiencies in Americas education steady exist. Unequal access to education, poor education management, and recently failed legislation have a bun in the oven entirely contributed to the weak educational system in the United States.When we learn about the Civil Rights issues America faced early in its child years as a nation, we learn that bootleg slaves were treated unevenly beca delectation the simple difference in the color of their skin. White overseers and masters would have their way and do as they pleased over them with n o self-condemnation because they were considered property, not humans. After generations of mistreatment, disrespect and brutality, freedom finally came to all causality slaves. Soon after, the United States granted their freedom with addition of the 14th amendment in 1868 which gave them the right of due process and equal protection of the law. Now that African Americans were free and protected by the law, they began to make use of their rights by sending their baby birds to school with the colour kids. This caused an uproar in the classrooms. electric razorren are mirror images of the ones that raised them, and since most of the etiolated kids parents were not okay with the new freedoms of African Americans, hatred and roughness were day to day issues at almost every public school in America. The problem, at the season, was not only(prenominal) from the children in these schools teachers, staff and cleverness members were a major obstacle for African American children t o receive the same(p) level of education as the neighboring, white children.Though African American children were on the spotlight of this educational gridlock, they were not the only race to encounter passageway blocks in their childrens education any minority race or ethnicity were also thrown into the mix as races that did not belong. It took up until adept the end of the century, for the issue to be tried at the Supreme judgeship in the oddball of Plessy v Ferguson. The court ruled that all establishments essential be separate but equal to all cloak-and-dagger businesses. As a result of the ruling, minority races were forced to attend establishments that were specifically for them. For example, black children were not permitted to attend the whites only schools, drink from whites only water fountains, eat at the whites only cafes nor use the whites only facilities and commodities. Instead they had their own places where minority groups may do the things the supreme white m en, women, and children did. These separate accommodations and facilities were always found in poor condition and lacked staple fibre maintenance. You could easily distinguish which facilities were for the whites and which were not.The end of segregation, especially in schools, was when the Supreme Court overruled its precedent in 1886 with decision in the case of Brown v Board of Education. The integration of all races in schools and private businesses was in full effect. Though retaliation was expected, President Eisenhower was prepared with an executive order for all public schools to open their doors to all races. This ultimately tag the end of hostile tension between minority groups but did not cease the tension within the classroom. It took time for society to over chastise its ego but the day of unity in schools across America from minority and majority groups came towards the end of the century.Education is about fostering the sharp and curious ones. Mandatory schooling ends at age 17 in Texas. When we graduate from High School, its up to us to decide whether we heed greater knowledge or develop skills. However, unless our preceding educational accent is positive, our interest in instruction result weaken. TheOECD report notes that facilitating lifelong learning is paramount. Yet, instead of embracing the facts, schools across America are hampered by an excessive bureaucracy that seems to diffuse learning. Take the SAT. With its distinct multiple-choice top dog and its defining influence in college admissions, the SAT is both intellectually powerful in its shaping impact. Teachers are forced to teach the SAT earlier than sparking interest in knowledge and ultimately diminishes the learning environment. In doing so, it fails to sanction exceptional students and it fails to support struggling students. It defers developmental curiosity to college. In the end, the cost are clear. Those students who dont go to college, are left behind. Those wh o do go to college, have to learn how to learn.Within the last decade, legislation such as the No Child Left Behind Act (President Bush, 2001), was a mandate for accountability on educational standards and emphasis on shew results. In theory, it will improve the quality of public education for all students. Supporters believe that the acts initiatives will further democratize U.S. education, by setting standards and providing resources to schools, regardless of wealth, ethnicity, disabilities or language spoken. Those that oppose it allege that the act hasnt been effective in improving education in public education, especially high schools, as evidenced by mixed results in exchangeable tests. They also claim that standardized testing is deeply flawed and prepossess for many reasons, and that stricter teacher qualifications have exacerbated the nationwide teacher shortage, not provided a stronger teaching force. Some critics believe that the federal government has no organic autho rity in the educational arena, and that federal involvement erodes state and local control over education of their children.In addition to these problems, the No Child Left Behind Act hindered those students who are one level higher up their peers. The act made schools focus on those who are at hazard of fallen behind and leave the students who stride in the shadows. Also, since their is no full general definition for the gifted nor a standard way of implementing gifted education, thus leads those students walking into a dark room and expecting them to come out with everything they deal for the rest of their lives. The No Child Left Behind Act shifted the oversight of the higher level students and turned it to facilitating at risk students who only desire the bare minimum to pass. At a college level, students combat themselves with a new learning environment and are forced to dropout because they cant open up to go to college just to sit in a class and be bewildered and fai l the class.In conclusion, America has been seen as one of the universal leaders in industry. However, it is mostly because people from other countries come to do their business here. It is time for America to confront its mediocre education genius and begin focussing on legislation that proceedss the student body of the generations to come. Teachers want to stop worrying so much about teaching how to experience a test and focus more on how to answer the problems prone instead. They should focus on teaching and ensuring that lessons theyve taught will stick to them for more than the time until a test but for a lifetime instead. The U.S should ensure the future of its education by urging more legislation that will benefit the youth and anyone seeking higher education. In the long run, America will benefit from having home-grown entrepreneurs, engineers, doctors, lawyers, law officials and teachers. Inspiring education today will take on Americas stability tomorrow.

Life Without the Sun

Life Without the SunAccording to scientist the sunlight is the nearest star to ground the only planet believed to be populate by the brio creatures. This natural alignment is mysterious and it is hard to pardon why the star is placed in such a position. The earth is a planet and it revolves around the sun leading to a serial publication of seasonal changes. Science tells us that the gravity of the sun is the one responsible for(p) in holding the earth in its current position. The seasonal changes ca use upd by the revolution of the earth have had tremendous effects in the lives of creatures living on earth as well as the physical terrain of the planet.Plants on earth which are the primary farmrs in the food chain verify on the light from the sun to manufacture their own food by means of the process of photosynthesis. In these case the light from the together with chlorophyll a pigment in green plants undergo a series of more or less chemical reactions that lead to manufactur ing of food by the plants.(Kenneth 2006)Consumers which are made of variant animals and micro organisms rely entirely on plants for food. The sense we get here(predicate) shows that without plants, it is difficult for consumers to live. Since the sun is the primary source of light that is needed by plants to survive, then it is very principal(prenominal) because plants apparently form the basis for deportment here on earth. Plants which make up forests go forth attract rain that will ensure that human beings survive. Water is a very important requirement to all animals and plants in this world. People need water for some(prenominal) domestic and industrial uses. Without water it will be impossible to cause food, wash bath and drink. Plants need water to grow well and to produce the best yields. Food crops like fruits beans potatoes and corn need water in order to grow well.Water is as well needed for industrial use like generation of hydro electric power, supplying industr ies that engage in very important activities like manufacturing and processing of various products that we may need in our every day life situation. Water from the rain can overly be harvested to be used in irrigating dry lands to produce subsistence food. Animals also need water whether domestic or wild. Pastoral communities rely on livestock as a lively hood and if these animals do non get enough water the live of the pastoral communities in danger.(Kenneth 2006) apart(predicate) from these effects on plants, the sun also has some direct benefits on animals. For instance it provides warmth, source of vitamin D, source of light, source of solar energy, act as a stellar cue to migrating birds and animals. The sun also has let to sparing benefits especially in the tropics where tourist allover the world slew to these places to enjoy the warmth provided by the sun. Tourists earns foreign income to a country that will create employment opportunities to the locals of tropical countr ies.In conclusion, the sun is has a stack of benefits that if there was no sun then it means that life could not be there. In simple terms the sun is life.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Meditation: Does it Alter the Mind and the Body? :: Biology Essays Research Papers

supposition Does it Alter the Mind and the Body?BEEP BEEP BEEP 900 am starts flashing on your alarm clock and you immediately poke out through your to do list for the day. Its a long list, filled with classes, meetings, homework, meals, exams...etc. cosmos the master of multitasking, I have a tendency to perform several(a) tasks at once. As a number, my niggardliness level decreases while my sample level increases. How can this lack of concentration and stress level be fixed? Many people turn to speculation, but does this practice actually work? And if so, how does meditation work to transmute the mind and the body? supposition is defined as ...engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature...an attempt to concentrate mind on a maven form or an idea or an aspect of divinity at the exclusion of all other forms and the ideas. The mind is focused inwards, and this effort of concentration acts as stimulus to gain access to the knowledge of the obj ect of meditation (1). The practice of meditation involves both psychological and physiological changes. For example, the altering of ventilation system patterns and thought processes. But does meditation guarantee mental and physical change? Meditation forces an respective(prenominal) to gain complete control of their inner self. But, what on the button is the inner self? The sub intended is an integral constituent of the internal mind. It is turn up deep in the core of the mind, acting as the center of emotions, behavior, creativity, and imagination. In addition, subconscious maintains good health (2). Does meditation allow an individual to clear the hidden doors of the subconscious mind? What is the difference between the subconscious and conscious mind? You can think of the conscious mind as cognise knowledge while the subconscious mind is unknown knowledge. Meditation taps into the subconscious mind and uncovers veiled realities about the inner self. To investigate whethe r meditation affects the mind, studies were performed on subjects practicing meditation techniques. In conclusion, the experimenters discovered an increase in productivity, alter relations at work, increased inner potential, increased strength of self-concept, and lessen anxiety (3). All these factors can be thought of as beingness an element of an individuals subconscious mind because it involves behavior and thought procedures. Moreover, the focus of wholeness image steers an individual away from multitasking and toward greater concentration. In a sense, an individual becomes more aware of their inner self as a result of focused attentiveness.

Science I-search Essay -- Cloning Genetics Genes Essays

Science I-searchWhen the contrive scientist is mentioned, the public most commonly accepts this word in a validating sense. Scientists are k straightwayn to find the retrieve for diseases and heal people through their research. Not until the genetic revolution ingest scientists been shunned and viewed as malevolent to the community. When the term genetic revolution is used, I am pertaining mainly to the issue of cloning. After the new discovery by Scottish researchers, who were responsible for creating the sheep that captured the attention of the arena, the societys reproduction and moral issues have taken a different meaning in life. Since this new discovery of cloning scientists now have more power than ever and along with this power comes slap-up consequences. Disturbing the genetic make up of someone can moderate in being so positive that all will prosper, or so negative that the effects may be catastrophic to mankind. What I know The issue of cloning entered my life at th e end of my tenth grade year. At such a young age, the topic of a person who was identical to another person was cool when I was low gear introduced to the idea. Then I realized how unbalanced our world could be if crowd together production of cloning was to occur.The issue of being responsible for someones future is upset to a great deal of our society. The majority of people believe that paragon is the only one that should be responsible for creating and putting together the singularity of a sympathetic. In some forms, cloning can be positive be nonplus research can possibly explain on what exactly caused the finale of an individual by cloning that person and testing for the exact cause of death. All that I have learned and come to comprehend rough cloning has come from a Christian point o... ...ibly be macabre for thousands and thousands of generations to come. Thats why I take the opinion of Doctor Dixon when he states that, the world must go under cohesive legislatio n backed by global agreement. If agreement is established in this sense then at least we can act as a true coupled society while traveling into the genetic revolution. Works Cited Page 1.) Dixon Patrick Dr. Multi-Media Lecture. www.digiweb.com/pdixon/realvieo/sciencestop.html 2.) clone issues in reproduction, Science, and Medicine. Issued January 1998. www.dti.gov.uk/hgac/papers/papers_c.htm 3.) Ken Olsen, Ph.D. Cloning Issues questions and answers. www.fb.com/views/com/cloning.html 4.) Dixon Patrick Dr. Should we ban human cloning. www.globalchange.com/clonaid.htm 5.) Dixon Patrick Dr. Frequent human cloning updates. www.globalchange.com/clonenews.htm

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Gender, Power, and Isolation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong Essay

Gender, Power, and Isolation in dish antenna of the shout Tra Bong The cultural studies approach to an open text allows the reader to center on on the culture of a specified society. He/she can excogitate the use of social effects and plait of reality on the peck or land. According to the Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature cultural studies view scrutinizing a cultural phenomenon and drawing conclusions about the changes in that phenomenon over a period of time (Geurin 240). When utilizing the cultural studies approach, the reader must search the in all text for an overall range of situations and reasons why culture would shape a society. This cultural evidence can be found in Tim OBriens looker of the Song Tra Bong because of its wide use of sex construction, levels of power, and the theme of isolation. sensation of the major concerns in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is gender construction--especially when it comes to females. How do we usually classify the differences between male and female? During the 1960s, great gender instability occurred. Men were viewed as the dominant, reliable, and powerful figure, while the women were more feminine, quaint, and soft-spoken. all told of these characteristics are similarly traced in OBriens Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong. Although it was in truth unlikely, nonpareil of the mens girlfriends comes to stay with them in their perimeter. Tim OBrien describes the appearance of Mary Anne buzzer when he writes, She had long white legs and blue eyes and a complexion like strawberry ice cream... (93). Instantly, the reader takes note of the gender construction of females in the story and how they are supposed to be perceived. Mary Anne is a delicate figure who is caug... ...s would sometimes vanish for days at a time...moving like shadows through the moonlight, (92). The Greenies as the other men called them, became the major image of seclusion in the story. Although the soldiers were isolated fr om the reality of warfare, the physical and emotional affects of war were enough to disrupt the routine in their lives and create a refreshing society in their surrounding environment. The cultural studies approach is only one way of analyzing an open text such as the story Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, but it is one of the best ways to agree the social actions of a society and the reasons for their cultural beliefs. Having knowledge of tools such as gender construction, levels of power, and the theme of isolation, the reader becomes personally involved with the characters and the ways in which they are coerced to live their lives.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Equity vs Debt Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

rightfulness vs DebtFinancial report Information - Debt and Equity HoldersDebtholders and integrityholders as claimants to a fasts proximo interchangeflows atomic number 18 provoke in assessing risk.DebtholdersDebtholders are primarily careed in assessing whether the faithfuls cashflow will be sufficient to make interest and principal payments on a timely basisThe lower the fortune of a cash shortfall, the lower the risk to the debtholderDebtholders therefore gather knowledge about the loyals liquidity, debt capacity and liquidation jimmy of assetsEquityholdersEquityholders are residual claimants of the firms cashflows.Shareholders in effect, hold an alternative on the value of the firms assets, with the exercise price equal to the side of meat value of the debt.It is easily known that the option component of justice value increases with the variance of judge future cashflows Black and Scholes (1973) and with the firms debt to equity ratio.Therefore, when equity h as a large component of option-like characteristics, financial statement abbreviation focuses on assessing twain the expected level and the variance of future cashflows when valuing equity.At extreme debt levels, the equity is a deep in the money option and its valuation does not require the use of the option pricing model. much traditional valuation models suffice.Financial analysts are interested in assessing a firms Beta risk so that they can perform valuation of traded stocks, flavour e... Equity vs Debt Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing CourseworkEquity vs DebtFinancial Statement Information - Debt and Equity HoldersDebtholders and equityholders as claimants to a firms future cashflows are interested in assessing risk.DebtholdersDebtholders are primarily interested in assessing whether the firms cashflow will be sufficient to make interest and principal payments on a timely basisThe lower the probability of a cash shortfall, the lower the risk to the debthol derDebtholders therefore gather information about the firms liquidity, debt capacity and liquidation value of assetsEquityholdersEquityholders are residual claimants of the firms cashflows.Shareholders in effect, hold an option on the value of the firms assets, with the exercise price equal to the face value of the debt.It is well known that the option component of equity value increases with the variance of expected future cashflows Black and Scholes (1973) and with the firms debt to equity ratio.Therefore, when equity has a large component of option-like characteristics, financial statement analysis focuses on assessing both the expected level and the variance of future cashflows when valuing equity.At extreme debt levels, the equity is a deep in the money option and its valuation does not require the use of the option pricing model.More traditional valuation models suffice.Financial analysts are interested in assessing a firms Beta risk so that they can perform valuation of trad ed stocks, seasoned e...

Nuclear Energy Essay -- Renewable Energy

Nuclear Energy Energy consumption has become a necessity and an important part of our daily life in the bypast 10 course of instructions. It seems that the world is looking for an energy source that is cleaner, cheaper and to a greater extent effective and since nuclear energy has emerged it has become the forerunner for alternative energy sources. As of 2004, nuclear power provided 6.5% of the worlds energy and 15.7% of the worlds electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 57% of nuclear generated electricity (Nuclear energy facts 2007). Nuclear energy substructure be a doubled edged sword as it brush off be used for peaceful uses or used to manufacture weapons of passel destruction which can put the world in danger. As more countries begin to use nuclear energy, especially in the Middle East, fears of the countries in the west increases as they cannot be sure if their intentions atomic number 18 for peaceful uses or military uses. Many peop le argue that the main problem with nuclear power plants is the radioactive waste it leaves behind which have no use. A typical nuclear power plant in a grade generates 20 metric tons of used nuclear burn. The nuclear industry generates a total of about 2,300 metric tons of used fuel per year (Nuclear Waste Amounts and On-Site Storage). There are mainly two types of radioactive wastes, low- take waste and high level waste. Low level wastes are ordinary items that come in disturb with some radiation and are generated anywhere radioisotopes are used or produced such as a hospital. High level waste is the real spent fuel, or the residual waste from reprocessing spent fuel. It takes ten of thousands of year for this for this waste to decay and be harmless to the environment, so it needs passkey han... ...in the wrong hands it may lead to wars and disasters. If it is used properly, it can be an efficient source of energy in the future, treat and diagnose diseases and some importa nt of all prevent wars. Works Citedhttp//www.our-energy.com/energy_facts/nuclear_energy_facts.htmlhttp//www.nei.org/resourcesandstats/nuclear_statistics/nuclearwasteamountsandonsitestorage/http//www.copperwiki.org/index.php/Nuclear_energyhttp//www.ornl.gov/info/ornlreview/rev26-34/text/colmain.htmlhttp//physicsworld.com/cws/ phrase/print/22745http//www.ehow.com/about_5100776_disadvantages-nuclear-energy.htmlhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_poisoninghttp//www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/np-risk.htmhttp//www.world-nuclear.org/info/chernobyl/inf07.htmlhttp//www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf55.htmlhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_%28microbiology%29

Monday, March 25, 2019

Phone Booth Essay -- essays research papers

promise Booth, a sort of Speed-meets-Twelve Angry Men, is unploughed basically within the confines of a single "room" and focuses on a life-or-death dynamic between two men, one of whom is a psychopath with a dangerous weapon. At 84 minutes, the premise of Phone Booth just reaches the stress breaking point at its climax. In other words, you can suspend disbelief only so long, and intimately 75 minutes is it for this one. Still, its a tense, taut thriller while it lasts. Colin Farrell plays Stu Shepard, a fast-talking, fast-pulling publicist who wants everyone whos eachone to think hes on top of the world. Wearing Italian suits and a knock-off designer watch, he struts down the sidewalks of Manhattan (somewhat reminiscent of the Saturday Night pyrexia scene), talking on two cell bids and a payphone. The payphone is to call his sweetie-on-the-side so that a record of her number doesnt show up on his cell bill and alert his wife to his deception. Stus daily routine, unbek nown to him, has caught the attention of a psychotic sniper with a God complex. The sniper calls Stu in the phone booth, and tells him that he is " finable of inhumanity to your fellow man" and the "sin of spin." Parties guilty of such grievances may not leave the phone booth, under any circumstances. The mental game of cat-and-mouse unfolds amidst the murder of a pimp who wants to use the phone, the encounter with police (Forest Whitaker as the captain is excellent), and the sho...

Hamlets Insanity :: essays research papers

The apparent movement of settlement&8217s insanity is a question raised by many people, is Hamlet a great actor, or has he lost complete sense of what&8217s real? in that location is no right answer, there is no wrong answer, many readers discombobulate different perceptions on what really was going through Hamlet&8217s head. My perception is that hamlet comes full circle with his insanity, and at points lets it get the stovepipe of him, and brings him down to a extremely low point.In the beginning of the impudent that Hamlet&8217s spirits aren&8217t all there, and his soul is disturbed, by the death of his father. He seems to be looking for answers and meaning to explain the incomprehensible death of his father and his mother&8217s abrupt marriage to his uncle, this is where I opine his insanity started. Given that this happened to anyone normal person, they&8217re mind would be a mess and bitterness and anger would play a commodious part in their thoughts. So, yes in a wa y, I do entrust that Hamlet was diseased with temporary insanity. The Ghost of Hamlet&8217s father, was in way another brick of burden for Hamlet to carry, and did nothing but pass on confusion and anger to his already disturbed mind. After this I believe hamlets madness to grow, he his blinded by bitterness and anger towards his uncle so much that he loses sight compassion for life and love. Hamlet very loved Ophelia, In my eyes, and I do believe that if his mind was not clouded with anger, he would&8217ve done nothing to ever harm her. Hamlet without even realizing, because of his insanity used Ophelia as a release for his anger, and at last drove her mad. He basically tortured Ophelia without even discriminating, not scarce by the progression of anger and rejection towards her, but also by cleanup position her own father.The killing of Polonius, I believe to be Hamlet&8217s peak of insanity, the fact that he killed a man without even knowing who it was nor caring, I turn out to say is insanity at its best. Hamlet seems to have no perception of reality nor compassion at this point, his anger towards his uncle has alone blinded him and messed him up beyond belief. Another sign of Hamlet&8217s insanity is that he completely rips into his mother. There are very fewer people in this novel, I believe Hamlet to truly fretting about, but one person is definitely his own mother.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Perfect, but not too Perfect :: essays research papers fc

PERFECT, BUT NOT TOO PERFECTOnce in a village long, long ago, on that point was a home with a family inside of it. And in that family was a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, and a grandmother. In this village it rained all the time. More than London, or the Amazon or all the rainforests in the world combined. In this village also were a church, a store, a mill, and a monument for the chief Jades Samoa. This wasnt a village like in Africa or Cambodia, but a precise nice village. The people wore amazing clothing. Better than any fashion pock today. The buildings wore do perfectly with smooth glass, smooth brick, and the smoothest wood. These buildings could withstand anything from a undecomposable hurricane to a giant monsoon. The villagers drank the unalloyedst water and the finest wine. They were elegant, graceful, civilized, and always stood straight up. There were hazardous parties thrown every night and the people gathered and talked and laughed bout there lives. Ther e beautiful and perfect lives. All the children were given the finest educations by the near brilliant adults whom were smarter than Leonardo DaVinci and Albert Einstein would ever fathom to be. The streets were made of pure diamond and the lampposts of ivory. The cars never used any energy and never depreciated. They had plushy seating made of soft leather. Every home was built gibe to the family, but every home was very large and spacious. They contained the finest furniture and the finest robotic stave that never became tired and always completed every demand made by their masters.

Oedipus the King: A Greek Tragic Hero Essay -- Oedipus Rex Essays

umteen Greek tragedies include a central character known as the tragic hero. In the play, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, the character Oedipus, portrays to the reader the necessary, central, tragic hero. gibe to Aristotle, a tragic hero has a supreme primp (Jones. Pg. 133). That pride is a reflection of arrogance and conceit that suggests superiority to man and equating with the gods. Students of religion are often taught that pride Goethe before the fall. In Oedipus situation, his pride, pair with religious fervor and other human emotions like guilt, lead to what layabout only be described as a downfall of ample and costly proportions, in other words, his fate.The dictionary characterizes a downfall as, a sudden fall (as from high rank). The first few lines of the play describe the reader that one reason for Oedipus sudden fall stem from both serious flaws, conceit and pride. Oedipus conceit and pride is apparent when he says to the priest, present I am myself--you all know me, the world knows my fame I am Oedipus (Glencoe Literature. Pg. 264. Lines 7-9). The bragging nature in which Oedipus says, you all know me, shows to the reader that Oedipus has a self-centered attitude toward life and towards others. This attitude stems from the fact that he and he alone solved the riddle of the evil sphinx, saving the city and the plurality of Thebes, and granting him kingship over the lands. Unfortunately for Oedipus, conceit and pride are only fractional his problem, the other half stems from Greek religion, and that means the Greek gods, Zeus and Apollo. in one case again, trouble reigns in the city of Thebes. The citys trouble and the gods religious stronghold, lead Oedipus in a direction that can only be describe... ...wer, choice, and fate the tetrad driving forces behind the character of Oedipus, and it is in those forces that Oedipus can assign the excite for his misfortune. A Greek Tragedy shows how great men and women, although th ey may fork out fine ideals, sometimes end in failure and misery (Schoenheim. The hot discussion of Knowledge. Pg. 351. Lines 35-38). Works CitedHogan, James. A Commentary on the Plays of Sophocles. Carbondale, IL southerly Illinois University Press, 2009.Jones, John. On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy. New York, NY Oxford University Press, 2011.Schoenheim, Ursula. Greek Language and Literature. The New Book of Knowledge. Canada Grolier Publishing Inc, 2002. Page 351Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Glencoe Literature The Readers Choice, World Literature. Ed. Chin, Beverly Ann, et al. Columbus, OH Glencoe, 2002. Pages 263-322.

Plea Bargains and Mandatory Sentencing Essay -- essays research papers

excuse Bargains and Mandatory Sentencing I would like to take this time to explain my mail service on Plea Bargains and Mandatory Sentencing. I will show both(prenominal) pros and cons for each topic, as well as give you my personal abbreviated on which one I support. There are two types of defense bargains The first one is a charge bargain. When the public prosecutor suspends a defendant to "plead guilty to a lesser charge, or to moreover some of the charges that have been filed against him. For example, a defendant charged with burglary may be offered the opportunity to plead guilty to "attempted burglary". A defendant charged with Drunk Driving and Driving with License Suspended may be offered the opportunity to plead guilty to just the drunk driving charge. The plunk for plea bargain is when a defendant is told in advance what his clock time will be if he pleads guilty. This can help a prosecutor obtain a conviction if, for example, a defendant is facing sound charges and is afraid of being hit with the "maximum" sentence. Typically, sentence bargains can only be granted if they are approved by the trial judge. some(prenominal) jurisdictions severely limit sentence bargaining.Sentence bargaining sometimes occurs in high profile cases where the prosecutor does not want to reduce the charges against the defendant, usually for fear of how the newspapers will react. A sentence bargain may allow the prosecutor to obtain a conviction to the most serious charge, slice assuring the defendant of an a...

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Baden-Powell :: essays research papers

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, more affectionately knownas "B.-P.", was born in London, England, on February 22, 1857.At the age of 12 he received a wisdom from CharterhouseSchool, one of Englands famous public schools. The school wasthen located in London, but it soon moved to Godalming in Surrey. There were some timberland just outside the school, these were "out-of-bounds" for the pupils. It was here that B.-P. practisedstalking wildlife. He is tell to have snared rabbits and cookedthem over a sm all in all fire so that can didnt give him away to theschool masters. (This was to be valuable training for ulterior inhis career.)Choosing a military career, B.-P. served in cliqueaigns in India,Afghanistan and South Africa. He became world famous during theBoer War for the defense of Mafeking, a small town in SouthAfrica. With 800 men, he was besieged by a push of 9,000 Boersoldiers. His small force held out against these immense oddsfor 217 days -- until a relief column of British soldiersarrived.At Mafeking B.-P. form his "Messenger Cadets". skilful inefficiency, obedience and smartness, they performed many an(prenominal) tasks --relieving soldiers for active defense of the town. After theBoer War, B.-P. organized the South African Constabulary anddesigned a uniform for them that ulterior became the basic Boy Scoutuniform.While still in Africa, B.-P. wrote "acquired immune deficiency syndrome to Scouting" -- a manualdesigned to train soldiers to become soldiers scouts. Many youthfulness andorganizations in Britain used ideas from this manual as the tooshieof adventurous programs. He discussed this matter with SirWilliam Smith, the founder of the Boys Brigade, and otherleading youth workers. He planned a camp to test his programideas. The camp was held from July 25 to August 9 in 1907 onBrownsea Island. The "Scoutmaster" was Lt.-Gen. Robert Baden-Powell. His assistants were B.W. Green, H. Robson and P. W. Everett.The camp was a tremendous success. Based on this experiment B.-P.wrote his book "Scouting for Boys" which was promulgated in 6 partsstarting in January, 1908. It has been printed in many editions --the current edition is the last one edited by B.-P. By the endof 1908 this book was translated into five other languages. Thesketches in the book were all done by B.-P. -- most of them basedon his own evoke career.In 1909, King Edward VII, who had taken a great deal of busyin this new Movement, made the founder a Knight in recognition ofhis work for boys. At this time B.-P. was Inspector General of

sleeping poll :: essays research papers

Many volume put one across a hard time calm sleeping, about two in five resumeed in this article are sleepy-eyed during the sidereal day that it causes them to nod off or interferes with work and activities during that day. Julia Sommerfeld, who wrote the article, "Poll paints portrait of a sleepy nation." Shows how if the great unwashed got a little more sleep, it can mark off a lot of little mistake that happen in universal life. From get impatient with the kids, overeating, and making mistakes at the work. These are all probably people have from not getting enough rest at night.     The survey illustrates how be sleepy during the day it interferes with their activities during the day at to the lowest degree a couple of times a month. Sommerfeld explains about an additionally 58 percent report a few symptoms of insomnia. This is having problems falling asleep, argus-eyed up during the night , waking up too early and not being able to get ba ck to sleep and unrefreshed when you are waking up. Because of these problems are reaching for sleeping pills or thing to help you sleep.     So to improve a person activites during the day you will need sleep to improve your life and the life around you. Many people have a hard time sleep sleeping, about two in five surveyed in this article are sleepy during the day that it causes them to nod off or interferes with work and activities during that day. Julia Sommerfeld, who wrote the article, "Poll paints portrait of a sleepy nation." Shows how if people got a little more sleep, it can stop a lot of little mistake that happen in everyday life. From getting impatient with the kids, overeating, and making mistakes at the work. These are all probably people have from not getting enough rest at night.     The survey illustrates how being sleepy during the day it interferes with their activities during the day at least a couple of times a m onth.